Steven, A Musician in Need of a Flashy Suit

Steven is the fiddle player in an amateur bluegrass band based in Thomasville, and he came to us last July with a very bittersweet problem. The “sweet” part of the problem was that his band had just been booked for its biggest gig yet at a local music festival where they’d be playing in front […]

Faith & Tyler: A Couple’s Outfit

Faith and Tyler McCoy Scriven are a local Atlanta couple who came in to ATL Tailor in November in search of a couple’s outfit for the holidays. No, they weren’t looking for a cutesy “his and hers” outfit pair made from the same colored material, nor were they looking for anything in the vicinity of […]

Murray, a Pastor in Search of a Bespoke Cassock

Murray H is a local protestant clergyman who was recently ordained as a pastor. He already owned religious robes, but he decided he needed to fit himself for a few brand new cassocks to wear during sermon. Since we’ve already worked with several pastors, priests, and ministers of various religious sects throughout the years, Murray […]

Daniel, Short But Fashionable

Daniel is my high school friend and recently became a customer at ATL. When we met in seventh grade, Daniel and I were both around 5’5”. As we grew older though, Daniel didn’t put on a few extra inches as I and most of his friends did. Although Daniel’s height didn’t progress, though, his fashion […]

Taren, A New Father in Need of a Rush Alteration

Taren was waiting outside the door of ATL Tailor when we opened one morning this April. He told us that we was supposed to appear at his friend’s wedding as the best man in roughly five hours, but he had just realized his suit didn’t fit him. He needed rush alterations done, and he needed […]

Nguyen: A Suit For A Tropical Climate

Nguyen lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, but he was traveling for business in Atlanta when he came into ATL Tailor. He explained to our head tailor that it was his last week in Atlanta (and the US) before flying back to Vietnam for the foreseeable future, and he wanted to take some of […]

Simon, a High-Powered Businessman

Simon came into ATL Tailor in December 2023 with good news and bad news. Th good news was that he had just been given a huge promotion at work from a report writer to a senior financial analyst. The bad news was that he had never owned a suit and needed one for his first […]

Matt, A Muscular man Who Needed a Bespoke Suit

Featured imaage for a post about making a bespoke suit for an athlete. Matt.

Matt is a repeat customer of ours who is also a longtime fitness enthusiast. For years he’s been heading up to Tallulah Gorge every other weekend for mountain biking, rock climbing, and trekking. When he’s home in Atlanta, he hits the gym five times per week to lift weights and work on his core. Needless […]

Wedding Wear Done Right: Custom Suits and Dresses for Your Big Day – Demo

Your wedding day is one of the most memorable moments of your life, and every detail—especially your outfit—should reflect just how special it is. While off-the-rack clothing may be convenient, nothing compares to the elegance and confidence that comes with wearing custom-made attire tailored specifically for you. Whether you’re the bride, groom, or part of […]

Revamp Your Wardrobe: Alterations that Bring New Life to Old Favorites – Demo

Your wedding day is one of the most memorable moments of your life, and every detail—especially your outfit—should reflect just how special it is. While off-the-rack clothing may be convenient, nothing compares to the elegance and confidence that comes with wearing custom-made attire tailored specifically for you. Whether you’re the bride, groom, or part of […]